Last Pass – Password Security and Freedom

Last Pass – Password Security and Freedom

January 19, 20202 min read

Online Security Simple

Google, social media, note-making software, web app this, web app that, password, password everywhere. How does anyone get peace with their passwords in this world? No fear, TechAdict is here!! Drum Roll, please……LastPass. The last password manager you will ever need.

Today we are addressing the elephant in the room. Passwords! We are in the digital era and we all have more passwords than we can handle.

Your Online Security is in Your Hands

Google, social media, note-making software, web app this, web app that, password, password everywhere. How does anyone get peace with their passwords in this world? No fear, TechAdict is here!! Drum Roll, please……LastPass. The last password manager you will ever need.

"Your Online Security is in your Hands"


What is LastPass??

LastPass is a secure, free password manager that is full-featured and complete. There is a paid version but we have never reached the point of needing a paid account. that being said, we would not hesitate to get a paid version if the need came. It is seriously that good of a password manager.

Is it secure?

It’s more secure than I would like. Don’t misunderstand. We love its security and it does its job good. It makes me enter my password many times in a day to get to my database to fill passwords for 6-7 different devices, but that’s not the average humans need for passwords. We are TechAdict after all. So, don’t you worry, this baby will keep all your passwords ready at the click of a button that is under YOUR lock and key.

Password Security

How it works!!!!

Well, first off, LastPass requires secure authentication before adding any new devices. It also will ask for the master password after a reboot, set time frame and other times as well. 

LastPass can save all your passwords. Fill in password fields. Categories your passwords. Manage other secure data such as card data, addresses, and other personal data that needs to be kept secure.

Below is a video that walks thru the whole process. If this helped you, please visit our you tube page and subscribe.

These are just a few of the many features available within the software. If you are interested in more info or assistance please reach out and ask us. We have a FB group, free 1-hr consultation (in-person or screen to screen), text us, or go old school and call us!

An electrical engineer that built a computer repair and web design agency all while being a full-time stay-at-home Father

Joseph "TechAdict" Jones

An electrical engineer that built a computer repair and web design agency all while being a full-time stay-at-home Father

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